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Some Details about The Metal Laser Welding Machine

Views: 31     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 06-26-2024      Origin: Site


Metal laser welding machine have changed the metal joining industry. They offer flexibility and precision that traditional welding methods can't match. This article explores the important details of handheld laser welding machines to help you gain a deeper.

1. Machine Weight

5 to 20 kg

Handheld laser welders are designed to be easy to use and portable. Their light weight allows operators to easily operate them during long periods of use, making them ideal for a variety of field applications.

2. Applicable Materials

Metals: stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, and mild steel, among others.

Their versatility makes them suitable for industries such as automotive repair, aerospace component manufacturing, and custom metal fabrication, where different materials are often used.

lazer welder

3. Welding Thickness Range

0.5 mm to 10 mm of metal

The metal laser welding machine is capable of handling the most common welding tasks. It can handle everything from creating thin decorative items to repairing thicker structural components.

4. Lifespan and Durability

10,000 hours (with proper maintenance)

These machines are built to last. The rugged construction can withstand the rigors of workshop and field environments.

5. Use of Welding Wire

While some laser welding applications need the addition of filler material or welding wire, many metal laser welding machine can perform well without them. This is especially beneficial when dealing with projects where more materials may compromise the aesthetics or integrity of the weld.

metal laser welding machine

6. Common Welding Problems

Problems such as spatter, cracking, or uneven welds are common in traditional welding.. Handheld laser welders cut these issues due to their precise heat control.

7. Power Requirements

220V 1PH 50HZ/60HZ

380V 3PH 50HZ/60HZ

Specific adapter power varies depending on the power and settings of the machine.

8. Operating Speed

Three Times Faster Than Traditional Welding.

One of the significant advantages of metal laser welding machine is speed. These machines complete welding tasks three times faster than traditional welding methods. This efficiency is particularly evident in repetitive production tasks. The time saved accumulates and increases productivity.

9. Cooling Mechanism

Advanced cooling systems are designed to maintain optimal performance and prevent overheating. These systems usually use air or liquid cooling mechanisms, depending on the model and its power output. Proper cooling ensures machine life and welding quality.

10. User Interface

Modern portable hand held welder have user-friendly interfaces. They are simple to set up and operate, even for operators with limited experience. These interfaces typically include LCD screens and touch panels. Machine settings, tutorials, and diagnostics are easily accessible.

11. Setup Time

Setting up a metal laser welding machine is typically quick and easy, taking only a few minutes. Once the safety checks are completed and the power is connected, the machine is ready to run. This quick setup is essential in a fast-paced environment where time efficiency is key.

12. Safety Features

Safety is paramount when operating any welding equipment. Laser hand welder are equipped with the necessary safety features. Such as automatic shutoff upon overheating, emergency stop buttons, and protective housings. Operators are advised to wear protective glasses and follow safety protocols to ensure a safe working environment.

13. Training Requirements

Operating a laser beam welder requires an understanding of the machine's functions and safety features. Yet, the learning curve is not difficult. Most users can become proficient with just a few hours of training, making these machines accessible to a wide range of workers.

14. Maintenance Needs

Clean the laser head and optical components regularly.

Inspect and replace filters.

Adhering to a maintenance schedule can prevent downtime and extend the life of the machine.

15. Cost of Laser Welding Machine

Between $3,000 and $15,000

The specific price depends on its power, capabilities, and features. This cost reflects the advanced technology and precision engineering involved in its production. While the initial investment may be higher than a traditional welding setup, the long-term savings in efficiency and consumables are usually worth the expense.

16. Portability Features

Many metal laser welding machine feature lightweight designs and ergonomic handles. These features make it possible to transport and use the machine at many job sites.

17. Software Compatibility

Modern metal laser welding machine are often compatible with proprietary software. This helps check and adjust laser parameters, significantly simplifying the welding process. It allows for precise control of beam intensity, duration, and path, which improves the overall quality of the weld.

18. Environmental Requirements

Metal laser welding machine need a clean and stable environment to operate efficiently. Excessive dust, vibration, and humidity can affect the precision and safety of the welding process. It is important to ensure that the operating environment is conducive to the use of high-precision equipment to avoid any potential issues that may affect the performance or life of the machine.

19. Included Accessories

Handheld laser welders often come with a variety of accessories to enhance functionality and user experience. Typical accessories include protective lenses, cleaning kits, and different types of nozzles. These more features help ensure that the welder can be used in a variety of environments and can be used immediately for different tasks.

20. Warranty and Support

Most manufacturers offer a 1 to 3-year warranty on laser welders. Comprehensive customer support is also usually available, including access to technical help and spare parts. This ensures that users can maximize the life and efficiency of their equipment.


It is critical for anyone considering a metal laser welding machine to understand these details. These machines offer significant advantages in portability, efficiency, and work quality. We encourage users to carefully test these details and consider specific needs. If you would like to learn more, please contact us here!

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