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"Metal Cutting Mastery: Insights into Modern Cutting Techniques And Their Applications"

Views: 32     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 06-28-2024      Origin: Site


In the field of manufacturing, metal cutting is a critical process in many industries. From automobiles to construction, the ability to accurately cut metal determines the efficiency and quality of the final product. There are many different technologies for cutting metal on the market today. How to distinguish and choose between them? This article will demystify the diverse world of metal cutting through detailed introductions.

1.Mechanical Cutting Technologies


  • Principle: Shearing involves using two blades, one stationary and one moving, to slice through metal much like a paper cutter.

  • Ease of Operation: Relatively simple to operate, making it accessible for beginners.

  • Features: Cuts quickly and efficiently. But its accuracy is limited and the edges are usually rough.

  • Applicable industries: Very suitable for metal sheet processing where precision is not high. For example, pipe and metal roof manufacturing.

  • Operating costs: It has a low initial investment and minimal maintenance costs. This makes shearing an affordable choice for many businesses.


  • Principle: Sawing cuts metal using a toothed blade that moves back and forth or in a continuous loop.

  • Ease of Operation: Moderate, as it requires some skill to manage the sawing speed and feed rate to avoid blade wear and ensure smooth cuts.

  • Features: Suitable for cutting thicker materials. Its speed varies depending on the material thickness and blade type.

  • Applicable industries: Commonly used in construction and large metal fabrication, where large pieces of metal need to be cut to the required size.

  • Operating costs: Moderate; involves higher blade wear and energy consumption, which increases operating expenses.


  • Principle: Milling uses rotating multi-point cutting tools to remove material from a workpiece, advancing in a direction at an angle with the axis of the tool.

  • Ease of Operation: High complexity, requiring skilled operators and precise setup.

  • Characteristics: Capable of producing complex shapes and high precision parts with excellent finish.

  • Applicable industries: For industries that need complex geometries and tight tolerances. Such as aerospace, automotive, and precision engineering.

  • Operational costs: Milling machines are expensive to buy and maintain, and need a lot of electricity and tooling costs.


2.Thermal Cutting Technologies

2.1.Plasma Cutting

  • Principle: Plasma cutting uses a jet of ionized gas at high temperature and high velocity to melt and expel material from the cut.

  • Ease of operation: It is fairly simple to use. Yet it requires some technical knowledge to adjust the settings for different materials and thicknesses.

  • Features: It can quickly cut thick materials. Its laser cutting accuracy is higher than oxy-fuel cutting, but lower than laser cutting.

  • Applicable industries: It is commonly used in industrial construction, automotive repair and manufacturing workshops. It can handle a variety of metals, including stainless steel and aluminum.

  • Operating costs: Medium to high. Plasma systems need consumables such as gas and electrodes and consume a lot of energy.

Plasma Cutting

2.2.Laser Cutting

  • Principle: Fiber Laser cutting passes a high-power laser beam through an optical element to cut the material, melting the metal by focusing the light.

  • Easy to operate: High-precision equipment, usually automated for easy operation.

  • Features: High quality and precise cutting. Minimal cuts and heat-affected zones, suitable for complex designs.

  • Applicable industries: Suitable for fine detail applications. Examples include electronics, medical devices, and the automotive and aerospace industries.

  • Operational costs: The initial investment in the equipment is high. Yet, due to its high efficiency and high speed, the operating costs are low.

laser cutting

2.3.Oxy-Fuel Cutting

  • Principle: Oxy-fuel cutting involves burning a mixture of oxygen and fuel gases such as acetylene to cut materials, mainly steel.

  • Ease of operation: Simple and straightforward. Basic operating knowledge of handling gases and flame settings is required.

  • Features: Best suited for thick steel plates. It is slower and less accurate than plasma and laser cutting.

  • Applicable industries: Widely used in heavy manufacturing, shipbuilding, and industries where thick steel parts are common.

  • Operational costs: Investment and operating costs are relatively low, but limited to fewer types of metals.

Oxy-Fuel Cutting

3.Other Cutting Technologies

3.1.Waterjet Cutting

  • Principle: Water jet cutting uses a high-pressure stream of water (usually mixed with abrasive particles) to cut a variety of materials.

  • Ease of operation: Moderate. Knowledge of water pressure, abrasives, and material handling is required to optimize cutting.

  • Features: No heat-affected zone is produced, and material properties are not altered. Metals, plastics, composites, and even glass can be cut,

  • Applicable industries: Suitable for a variety of industries. Including the aerospace industry (for cutting composites), the automotive industry (for cutting complex parts), and artists (for fine designs).

  • Operating costs: The initial investment in equipment is high. Since there is no thermal damage to the machine, maintenance costs can be low. Consumables such as water and abrasives increase operating expenses.

Waterjet Cutting

3.2.Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)

  • Principle: EDM uses electric sparks to cut conductive materials. Precise shapes are created by eroding the material along the desired path.

  • Ease of operation: High. Expertise and precise control of electrical parameters and dielectric fluids are required.

  • Features: Ideal for producing complex, detailed cuts and fine features in hard metals that are difficult to machine.

  • Applicable industries: Ideal for applications that need extremely tight tolerances and complex geometries. For example, tool and mold manufacturing, medical device manufacturing, etc.

  • Operating costs: The cost is high due to the slow cutting process and the high cost of electricity and consumables. But for some precision tasks, it is often the only workable method.

3.3. Ultrasonic cutting

  • Principle: Ultrasonic cutting uses high-frequency sound waves transmitted through the cutting tool to generate vibrations, which ease the cutting of materials.

  • Ease of operation: Moderate. Because it requires adjusting the ultrasonic frequency and handling specialized cutting tools.

  • Features: It can effectively cut soft, brittle, or fibrous materials without generating heat. It can ensure clean and precise cuts.

  • Applicable industries: Commonly used in food processing, textile manufacturing, and plastic industries. These industries need clean cutting and avoid material deformation.

  • Operating costs: The operating costs are relatively low. The main expenses are the initial buy of ultrasonic equipment and regular maintenance.

4. How to Choose The Right Metal Cutting Technology

Choosing the right metal cutting technology involves several key factors. These factors must be carefully considered to ensure optimal performance and cost-effectiveness:

  • Material type and thickness: Different cutting technologies excel at specific materials and thicknesses. For example, plasma cutting is suitable for medium-thickness metals. Water jet, on the other hand, is suitable for a wide range of materials, including metals, glass, and composites.

  • Precision requirements: High-precision applications may be better suited to laser cutting or EDM. Because they can provide tighter tolerances and finer cuts. For example, the medical or electronics industries, etc.

  • Production speed: Test your production needs. Laser cutting provides fast processing for large-volume orders, while methods such as EDM are slower. This is critical for complex, precise tasks.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Consider upfront and ongoing costs. Oxy-fuel cutting has a lower initial cost. Laser cutting, while initially more expensive, can provide lower long-term operating costs due to its speed and precision.

  • Operating environment: Some cutting technologies need specific environmental conditions. For example, water jet cutting, which requires a lot of water and handling considerations.

  • Technical support and maintenance: Make sure your choice can be backed by reliable technical support. Also, machine maintenance resources are also very important.

metal cutting

5. Why We Recommend Fiber Laser Cutting Machines

In the field of metal cutting technology, fiber laser cutting machines stand out due to many advantages:

  • High efficiency: Fiber lasers offer extremely fast cutting speeds. It can significantly increase production throughput without sacrificing quality.

  • High Precision: For demanding applications requiring intricate details and tight tolerances. Fiber lasers can achieve precision cuts with minimal kerf widths.

  • Low operating costs: In contrast, fiber lasers are energy efficient and need less maintenance. They need no consumables such as gases or electrodes, which further reduces ongoing costs.

  • Versatility: Able to cut a wide range of materials, including highly reflective metals like copper and aluminum. Some other types of lasers have difficulty cutting these metals.

  • Environmentally friendly: Fiber lasers produce very little waste and emissions. This makes them a more sustainable choice in cutting technology.

For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you consider fiber laser cutting machines for your metal processing needs. They provide the perfect balance between performance, cost efficiency, and environmental considerations. It is a wise investment for any serious metal fabrication business.


Understanding the advantages and limitations of each method makes it easier to make an informed decision. Choosing the right technology is not only critical for quality and speed, but also to maintaining a competitive advantage. Thus, carefully consider the specific needs of your project to select the most appropriate metal cutting technology. This includes material type, required accuracy, production volume, and budget constraints. If you are interested in learning more about fiber laser cutting machines, please feel free to contact us. Our experts can provide you with more information, tailored advice, and cutting-edge solutions.

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