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What Is The Maximum Thickness of Laser Cutting Metal?

Views: 36     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 07-29-2024      Origin: Site


Laser cutting metal is a precision method that is widely used in metal fabrication. It can cut a wide range of materials with high precision and low waste. In this article, we will explore the greatest thickness of metal that can be cut by laser and the factors that influence it.

1.Basic Principles of Laser Cutting Metal

The fundamental operation of laser cutting involves concentrating a beam of light—typically a fiber laser—onto a very small area of the material. The energy of the laser is absorbed by the material, causing it to quickly heat up to a melting point or even vaporize. The type of laser, beam quality, and control system determine the efficiency and quality of the cut. The process is automated and controlled by computer systems, which guide the laser to follow complex cutting paths defined by digital designs.

Operating a laser cutting machine

2.Impact of Laser Power on Cutting Thickness

The greatest thickness that can be cut by a laser is directly affected by the power of the laser source. Higher-power lasers can cut through thicker sheet metal while maintaining high cutting speeds and clean edges. For example, a 1kW laser can effectively cut steel up to 10mm thick, while a 6kW laser can handle steel up to 25mm thick or more. Adjusting the laser power is essential to optimize cutting performance and quality for different materials and thicknesses. Thus, power is an important factor in selecting a laser cutting machine for a specific application.

3.Impact of Material Type

The type of material being cut has a significant impact on the laser cutting process. Different materials, such as steel, aluminum, and copper, absorb laser energy at different rates. This affects how the laser beam interacts with the material. For example, aluminum and copper have high reflectivity and thermal conductivity. They need higher laser powers for efficient cutting.

4.Beam Quality and Focusing Technology

Beam quality and focusing technology are also key factors. A high-quality beam can produce a smaller focal spot and enhance the energy density. This allows the laser to cut deeper into thick materials.

Excellent focusing technology ensures that the laser energy is concentrated in a small area. This improves cutting efficiency and quality, allowing the cutting of thicker materials and reducing the heat-affected zone.

5.Impact of Cutting Speed and Precision

The faster the cutting speed, the shorter the energy exposure time at each point, which may result in the material not being completely cut through. At the same time, too fast a speed may also affect the cutting precision, resulting in rough edges or incomplete cutting. Appropriately reducing the cutting speed can increase the interaction time between the laser and the material, and improve the cutting depth and overall quality.

laser cutting metal

6.Common Questions

Are there big differences in cutting thickness between different brands of lasers?

Laser cutting machines from different brands may have small differences in performance due to differences in design, laser source type, and software features. It is important to select a machine based on specific cutting needs and after a comprehensive brand comparison.

What parameters need to be adjusted to change cutting thickness?

Cutting different thicknesses requires adjusting laser power, speed, focal length, and auxiliary gas pressure for best results.

How to avoid excessive heat-affected zones?

To cut the heat-affected zone, operators can reduce power settings, increase speed, and use appropriate auxiliary gas.

How to deal with changes in cutting slit width when laser cutting thick metals?

As material thickness increases, adjusting focal length and power helps manage changes in cut width to maintain accuracy.

What should be paid attention to for operational safety?

Safety measures include proper enclosure to prevent laser exposure. Use safety glasses and maintain good ventilation to avoid inhaling fumes.

What are the comparative advantages of laser cutting vs. plasma cutting?

Compared with plasma cutting, laser cutting has higher accuracy, cleaner cuts, and generally faster operating speeds.

laser cutting tube


Laser cutting technology stands out for its precision, versatility, and efficiency. Although the greatest thickness of laser cutting metal is affected by many factors, the greatest cutting thickness at the same power does not vary much. If you want to know more or are interested in the machine, please contact us for authoritative information!

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